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Strengths, Improvements, and Surprises...

At the start of this year, I was in the area of ‘applying’ in most of the CSTPs, I would say that I am now in the integrating area and slowing emerging into the innovating in some areas. My strengths as a teacher is being open minded and always looking for new ideas. I teach always tell my students that we need to be lifelong learners, and thus I must practice what I preach. Everyday is an opportunity for improvement. I am a perfectionist, so there is always room to grow. I think when we become set in our ways, our content and classroom become stagnant and irrelevant. I have surprised myself this year with some of my projects and the use of MANY new technologie strategies.

To Infinity and Beyond!!

 I would like to make my content even more relate-able and relevant. I know it is important to teach the classics, but I also want my students to be positive, and world changing citizens. I want to teach my students empathy and the importance of their voice. I think this is important in life, regardless of their jobs in the future, it is important to be good people. I think that when students see the value and relevance in English class, they are more willing to learn. I want to take more of my lessons outside the classroom as well. I will assess this goal through conversations, projects, and self reflections.

Fuel up and stay connected...

I plan on staying connected as an educator throughout my career, I hope to attend as many Professional Developments to stay up to date. It is important to evolve with the times and with the students. It is hard to always be “on”, but it is important. I think managing my personal self health is very important. If my headspace is clouded then the work I produce in my classroom as a leader is mediocre. It is important to eat healthy, exercise and for me meditate. If I am balanced within, the other things in my life fall into place. Professionally, I need to remain as organized as possible, everything has its place in my classroom, sometimes it doesn’t make it to its place but, as long as things are organized in some fashion the classroom runs well.

My two cents...

Be adaptable, everything will not always be okay, and that in itself is okay. Be willing to let the students teach you. We are living in a technology driven world, and there is nothing wrong with allowing your students to teach you the “cool new things”. Find ways to appeal to their life outside of the classroom, make your content relate-able to real life. Be creative and have fun, your students know when you are passionate about what your are teaching, and they will respond based on you.

Words from my favorite coach...

Rikki is an exceptional teacher. She is the essence of what you want for a teacher in the 21st century. She is innovative in finding new ways to reach her students. She makes sure to incorporate the latest educational trends to motivate and encourage her students to be life long learners. Aside from her instruction, she has a strong rapport with all her students. Based on her welcoming demeanor, she is able to build a strong teacher-student relationship with her students. She is a tremendous asset to OHHS, HUSD and present & future students. 

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